A Simple Six Week Program

Change is not easy.
Sometimes we need to sneak up on it so we won’t scare it away.
Use this plan to move forward in your organizational life.
For maximum effect, get your whole family involved!

There are ten or more suggestions for each week. Circle only two you are not doing now and commit to do them sometime during the week. Some will be exceedingly simple; others will be more extensive. Some require only thinking and planning. Others are action oriented. You choose whatever you are ready for. In his classic book on time management, “How to Get Control of Your Time and Your Life” Alan Lakein suggests the Swiss cheese method of poking holes in a project. Enough holes and the project is done. Each of these simple activities is a step (or hole) toward an organized home.

Make a copy of this program and put it in a visible place. Circle the two that appeal to you each week so you won’t forget your commitment. Share with others. Make extra copies. To make it more fun, do it with a friend. Take it to work. Put it (or extra copies) on the bulletin board.

Remember: Circle only two activities you are not doing now and commit to do them sometime during the week.

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